MarriageRestored Is…
MarriageRestored is a weekend event for couples in crisis or who have experienced crisis.
From Friday evening at 7 pm to 4 pm on Sunday afternoon, you and your spouse will hear unique presentations and have the privacy to work through MarriageRestored’s practical approach to the challenges that are threatening your marriage.
Conflict or Crisis
Specially-trained MarriageRestored couples will guide you through crisis topics with talks inspired by their personal challenges–challenges that may include separation, adultery, addiction, pornography, gambling, financial deception and other life-controlling issues. Each presenting couple, handpicked and trained by MarriageRestored, has experienced the types of crisis that take a marriage to the breaking point and they have made their way back with the help of MarriageRestored.
Almost every MarriageRestored session ends with time to talk in the privacy of your own hotel room. Each weekend is private and confidential; each couple is given the space and time to work through their own challenges. MarriageRestored believes that your story is your own. You’ll never be asked to share details publicly.
A Practical Approach
Throughout the MarriageRestored weekend, you’ll learn the practical approach that has helped countless couples effectively and productively tackle challenges in their marriages. You will leave the weekend with the necessary tools to keep the lines of communication open while you work to further strengthen and renew your relationship.
At MarriageRestored, we won’t attempt to list and solve each problem that you may be facing; we will give you the tools to help you face these problems. MarriageRestored will give you the time, the privacy, the atmosphere, and the tools–what happens next is uniquely you.
MarriageRestored is about hope, love, and relationships renewed, about being vulnerable without fear of judgment.
MarriageRestored is not…
MarriageRestored is not a counseling session, a sensitivity group or a marriage clinic.
Our Promise To You:
- No sharing your story with others
- No role-playing
- Plenty of privacy and complete confidentiality
Weekend Schedule
Friday: 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm | Check-in |
Friday: 7:00 pm | Opening Session |
Saturday: All Day | Sessions |
Sunday: 4:00 pm | Departures |
MarriageRestored is designed for couples who are:
- Concerned about the ability of their marriage to survive
- Increasingly distant
- Increasingly hurt and angry
- Dealing with the effects of infidelity or life-controlling habits (substance abuse, compulsive gambling, etc.)
- Considering separation or divorce
MarriageRestored does not address PTSD, active addictions or physical abuse.
While MarriageRestored is presented from a Christian perspective, it’s perfect for people of any faith, or of no faith at all.
As an Assemblies of God organization, MarriageRestored adheres to the denomination’s standing rooted in Biblical doctrine that marriage is between one man and one woman (Genesis 2, Matthew 19).